
Patriotism Awareness Forum (PAF) Commends JAMB, Counsels Nigerians To Guard The Credibility Of National Institutions



Following the resolution of the needless controversy surrounding the manipulation by Miss Mmesoma Ejikeme of her 2023 UTME result, the Patriotism Awareness Forum (PAF) has commended the Prof. Ishaq Oloyede-led Joint Admission & Matriculation Board management for the credible and inscrutable way it handled the issue and further counseled Nigerians to jealously guard our institutions from further attempts to compromise and impugn their integrity to denigrate them.


In a release issued and signed by the Convener, Nelson Ekujumi and Co-Convener, Peter Claver Oparah, the group noted that the Mmesoma scandal afforded the Oloyede-led JAMB, the opportunity to prove that it is a credible institution that has come to typify the desire of Nigerians for probity and accountability even in the face of pessimism and mischief that has riddled the perception of public institutions in Nigeria. It urged JAMB not to relent, but stand firm in the face of deliberate efforts by unscrupulous Nigerians to impugn the image of the country and its institutions.


PAF affirmed; “We have taken note of the immeasurable improvements JAMB and other national institutions have made in recent years. We have observed the unprecedented level of probity and accountability that Prof. Oloyede has brought to JAMB since he assumed office as well as the high level of credibility JAMB has brought to bear on its responsibilities. We are equally aware that some Nigerians, for unpatriotic reasons, would do anything to pull down JAMB and other national institutions even when they have not been found wanting for clear selfish and unpatriotic reasons”.


It continued, “We saw such negative efforts in the extensive efforts some Nigerians deployed to tar and malign JAMB and shift the blame from the confessed culprit to an institution that has painstakingly worked for and earned its credibility over the years. We are glad that JAMB stood its ground and never allowed itself to be blackmailed by ulterior, unpatriotic interests that target the soul of the country and her institutions for pillory.


“As a group, PAF is gladdened that we stood firmly with JAMB and that, at long last, it has been vindicated and JAMB has come out with its head raised notches higher from the several investigations made by several bodies on the matter.


“PAF wants to use this opportunity to counsel Nigerians to stand firm and defend the nation’s institutions from the deliberate malice and scurrilous attacks of unpatriotic groups and interests as the denigration of Nigeria’s public institutions negatively impacts all of us and decimates Nigeria. Patriotism requires all of us to jealously guard and defend our institutions from the deliberate attempts by unpatriotic elements to destroy and de-market them. The JAMB imbroglio provides an insight to the real plot by unpatriotic Nigerians to pull down the Nigerian house on all of us. We are glad that it failed even before it started and will continue to fail.


“We congratulate JAMB and urge its leadership and those of other institutions to develop more synergies with Nigerians and civil society groups to drive home their reforms and credibility to forestall future efforts to malign them and give more insights into their operations”.


God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria


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