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Tinubu: “We must treat kidnappers as terrorists”



Tinubu: "We must treat kidnappers as terrorists"

Tinubu: “We must treat kidnappers as terrorists”

President Bola Tinubu has issued a resolute call for the treatment of individuals involved in kidnapping as terrorists, condemning their reprehensible acts and reaffirming the government’s commitment to defeating banditry across the nation.

Speaking at a Ramadan dinner with members of the Federal Judiciary, Tinubu emphasised the urgency of addressing the scourge of kidnapping and underscored the need to classify kidnappers as terrorists to effectively combat their activities. Hosting a gathering of judicial officers, including the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) Justice Olukayode Ariwoola, as well as serving and retired judicial officers, Tinubu reiterated his government’s determination to confront the menace of banditry head-on. He described those who engage in kidnapping, particularly of innocent children, as cowardly individuals who resort to targeting soft targets rather than confronting the might of the Nigerian Armed Forces. “We must treat kidnappers as terrorists. They are cowardly. They have been degraded. They look for soft targets. They go to schools and kidnap children and cause disaffection. We must treat them equally as terrorists to get rid of them, and I promise you we will get rid of them,” asserted the President. In addition to addressing the urgent need to tackle kidnapping, Tinubu also pledged to implement necessary reforms to enhance the welfare and working conditions of judicial officers. Recognising the vital role played by the judiciary in upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for all, Tinubu expressed his commitment to modernising equipment and recordkeeping within the judiciary. “I recognise that the judiciary has one of the most unrewarded responsibilities. They are yet to modernise equipment and recordkeeping, and their progress towards improvement is slow. When you look at the career path of a judicial officer, they cannot practice the vocation for which they were trained after retirement. While the framers of the law may have their reasons, I perceive this differently and see this from a fair compensation angle that should benefit all,” Tinubu remarked. Acknowledging the judiciary’s dedicated service to the nation, Tinubu expressed gratitude for its role in upholding the respectability of the judicial arm of government. He pledged continued support for the judiciary and reiterated his commitment to collaborative efforts aimed at advancing the nation’s development and prosperity. In response, the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Olukayode Ariwoola, commended President Tinubu for his commitment to judicial reforms and for hosting the Ramadan dinner with judicial officers. He expressed appreciation for the President’s efforts to improve the welfare of judicial officers and offered prayers for the success of his administration.

Justice Ariwoola also praised the Tinubu’s government for achieving a significant milestone by appointing a full complement of 21 justices to the Supreme Court which he described as unprecedented.

Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Lateef Fagbemi, also expressed gratitude to President Tinubu for forwarding the executive bill titled “Judicial Office Holders, Salaries and Allowances, etc, Bill 2024” to the National Assembly. Highlighting the long-standing issue of stagnant judges’ salaries and emoluments, Fagbemi commended the President’s courage and determination in addressing this issue. “It takes a man with a great heart, determination, and consideration to do what the President did. More than 300.3 per cent salary increase has been given to the judges. The President has done his part, never mind that the bill is still with the National Assembly,” remarked Fagbemi, praising President Tinubu’s commitment to the judiciary’s welfare.

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