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Expert drives youth engagement to propel €62.6 billion food production



Expert drives youth engagement to propel €62.6 billion food production

Expert drives youth engagement to propel €62.6 billion food production

A Transformative Surge in Nigeria’s Food Production

Nigeria’s food production industry is witnessing an unprecedented surge, with figures soaring to an impressive €62.6 billion. This remarkable growth, a 39.6 percent increase over the past few years, reflects a significant leap from €26 billion in 2016 to €36.3 billion in 2020. Projections indicate a further 48 percent rise by 2024, boosting the sector to a staggering €62.6 billion from €42.3 billion in 2021. As global populations climb towards an estimated nine billion by 2050, Nigeria’s agricultural sector is poised to play a pivotal role in feeding the world.

SAHE Foundation’s Vision: Empowering Youth for a Sustainable Future

Central to this agricultural renaissance is the Sustainable Agro and Hunger Eradication (SAHE) Foundation, led by its visionary Founder and Chief Executive, Dr. Idongesit Mbaram. Dr. Mbaram emphasizes that agriculture offers a unique opportunity for the youth to significantly contribute to addressing the global food demand. She highlights SAHE’s commitment to dispelling misconceptions about farming and fostering a mindset shift among young Nigerians, empowering them to see agriculture as a viable path to prosperity.

A Strategic Initiative: The Tech Young Farmers Club (TYFC)

In an ambitious bid to further bolster Nigeria’s food production, SAHE Foundation is launching the Tech Young Farmers Club (TYFC) in partnership with the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools (NAPPS) in Lagos. This initiative, themed “Becoming a Technology-Driven Farmer,” is slated to kick off on May 24, 2024, at the Jelili Adebisi Omotola Hall A, University of Lagos, Akoka. The event, coinciding with the 2024 Children’s Day celebration, will engage approximately 1,200 students from SS1 to SS3 classes in various secondary schools across Lagos.

Engaging Activities and Expert Insights

The TYFC launch promises a rich array of activities, including lectures, training sessions on modern agricultural techniques, and a keynote address by Dr. Francis Toromade, Director-General of the Premier Agribusiness Academy. Students will also participate in creative farming experiences and word games, designed to make learning about agriculture both educational and fun. The Chair of the Learners Activities Committee in Lagos, Dr. Olaoye Jonathan Abiola, emphasizes that the TYFC aims to introduce modern farming techniques and technology to students aged 12 to 16, thereby preparing them for future leadership roles in sustainable agriculture.

Fostering a New Generation of Agricultural Entrepreneurs

At the heart of the TYFC initiative is a focus on practical, hands-on learning. Students will be provided with polished seeds to grow in customized sacks within their schools, ensuring that they gain direct experience in cultivating crops. This approach not only teaches them essential farming skills but also underscores the importance of agriculture as a tool for hunger eradication and economic empowerment. By growing what they eat, students learn the value of self-sufficiency and the potential for agriculture to be a lucrative career path.

Agriculture: A Pathway to Prosperity

Dr. Abiola points out that Africa’s agricultural business is projected to be worth $1 trillion by 2030, with the potential to create the continent’s next generation of millionaires and billionaires. This vision aligns with SAHE Foundation’s mission to prepare young Nigerians to embrace agriculture as a tool for prosperity. By exposing them to the opportunities within the modern, technology-driven agricultural ecosystem, SAHE aims to inspire a new generation of farmers who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources to lead the way in sustainable agricultural practices.

Cultivating the Future

The substantial increase in Nigeria’s food production figures is a testament to the nation’s potential as a global agricultural powerhouse. SAHE Foundation’s initiatives, particularly the Tech Young Farmers Club, are instrumental in harnessing this potential by empowering the youth and fostering a culture of innovation and sustainability in agriculture. As Nigeria continues to navigate the challenges and opportunities of feeding a growing global population, the efforts of organizations like SAHE Foundation will be crucial in ensuring a prosperous and food-secure future.

By focusing on youth empowerment, modern farming techniques, and sustainable practices, SAHE Foundation is not only contributing to Nigeria’s agricultural success but also setting a benchmark for other nations to follow. With continued investment in education and technology, Nigeria’s agricultural sector is well on its way to achieving and surpassing its ambitious targets, ensuring that the country plays a leading role in global food security for years to come.

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