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Lagos partners with FAO, AU to revolutionize Agricultural Sector



Lagos partners with FAO, AU to revolutionize Agricultural Sector

Lagos partners with FAO, AU to revolutionize Agricultural Sector

Lagos State is forging strategic partnerships with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the African Union (AU), and other development partners to bolster its agricultural sector. This initiative aims to boost food production, improve per-acre yields, cultivate disease-free crops, and enhance capacity building, aligning with the state’s comprehensive development agenda.

Strategic Focus on Modernization and Yield Improvement

Ms. Ruth Abisola Olusanya, the Lagos State Commissioner for Agriculture and Food Systems, has highlighted the critical need for modernization in the agricultural sector. She emphasized the importance of utilizing modern machinery and fertilizers to enhance yields and constructing food storage facilities to minimize post-harvest losses. The adoption of advanced agricultural technologies is seen as a cornerstone of these efforts.

“We are committed to transforming our agricultural practices through the use of modern technology and fertilizers to significantly improve per-acre yields,” Olusanya stated. “Our focus is also on building food storage facilities and hubs to reduce post-harvest losses, ensuring that the food produced reaches the market and consumers efficiently.”

Enhancing Livestock and Fisheries Productivity

The state’s plans extend beyond crop production. There are initiatives underway to construct cold storage facilities and meat processing plants to boost the productivity of the livestock and fisheries sectors. These developments are expected to make Lagos’s agricultural output more competitive in the international market.

Olusanya pointed out, “The future of agriculture and food security depends on advancements in technology, favorable policies, and strong leadership. Building cold storage facilities and meat processing plants will enhance the productivity and international competitiveness of our livestock and fisheries sectors.”

Building Strategic Partnerships

Recognizing the critical role of partnerships, Lagos State is actively seeking collaboration with the private sector, donors, and development partners. These partnerships will focus on technology exchange, skill development, and information sharing about current agricultural practices, including high-yield seed varieties and crop management techniques.

“The collaborations with the private sector will involve a targeted exchange of technology, skill development, and information sharing on modern agricultural practices,” Olusanya explained. “We aim to leverage advanced technologies and innovative practices to enhance agricultural productivity.”

Policy and Infrastructure Development

Lagos State’s agricultural policy is geared towards increasing farmers’ income and enhancing food security. This includes promoting rural development, improving farmers’ and fishermen’s welfare, innovating agricultural technologies, managing farmland resources, modernizing infrastructure, and expanding cooperation with development partners.

Olusanya emphasized the importance of creating a diversified farming system to increase food self-sufficiency. “Our policy aims to promote a farming system with diversified local produce, increasing food self-sufficiency and ensuring timely access to necessary crop inputs while maintaining rigorous regulatory requirements.”

Supporting Small-Scale Fisheries and Competitive Sectors

The state government is also focused on promoting small-scale fisheries and other sectors where Lagos has a competitive advantage in the context of food security and poverty eradication. Efforts are being made to develop accurate data, empower communities, and foster a thriving agricultural sector with contributions from crops, livestock, fisheries, and aquaculture.

“The government’s determination to support small-scale fisheries and other competitive sectors is vital for food security and poverty eradication,” Olusanya said. “Developing accurate data and empowering communities are essential steps in strengthening our agricultural statistics and sector.”

Empowering Farmers and Enhancing Food Security

The Lagos State Ministry of Agriculture and Food Systems is committed to increasing farmers’ incomes and enhancing food security through a series of targeted initiatives. These include promoting rural development, increasing farmers’ and fishermen’s welfare, and innovating agricultural technologies. The ministry is also focused on managing farmland resources, modernizing infrastructure, upgrading facilities, and expanding cooperation with development partners.

“We are dedicated to increasing farmers’ incomes and enhancing food security through various initiatives,” Olusanya noted. “Promoting rural development and innovating agricultural technologies are key to achieving these goals.”

Focus on Accurate Data and Community Empowerment

Accurate and accessible data are crucial for strengthening agricultural statistics, which play a critical role in food and nutrition security, employment creation, and income increase. The government is making concerted efforts to develop precise data, empower communities, and foster a thriving agricultural sector.

“Accurate data and empowered communities are fundamental to a thriving agricultural sector,” Olusanya stated. “Strengthening our agricultural statistics is essential for food and nutrition security, employment creation, and income increase.”

Lagos State’s partnership with the FAO, AU, and other development partners marks a significant step towards revolutionizing its agricultural sector. By focusing on modernization, strategic partnerships, policy development, and community empowerment, Lagos is paving the way for enhanced food security and economic growth. These initiatives underscore the state’s commitment to leveraging technology and innovation to transform agriculture and ensure a sustainable, productive future for its citizens.

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