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Nigerian Navy reshuffles appointment of senior officers



The Nigerian Navy has reshuffled the appointments of top senior officers comprising 56 rear admirals and a Commodore.


A statement by the Navy spokeperson Commodore Ayo Vaughan says among several others in the redeployment, Rear Admiral Olusanya Bankole formerly the Director of Logistics, Defence Space Administration, is now appointed as the Chief of Communications and Information Technology, Naval Headquarters while Rear Admiral Alexander Bingel formerly Director Combat Policy and Tactics is now the Director of Logistics, Defence Headquarters.


Rear Admiral Ibrahim Dewu, formerly Director Project Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate, Naval Headquarters is now the Chief of Defence Civil Military Cooperation, Defence Headquarters while Rear Admiral Kennedy Ezete formerly Director Project Monitoring, Defence Headquarters resumes as the Chief of Administration, Naval Headquarters.


Rear Admiral Livingstone Izu who was the Director Manning at Naval Headquarters is the new Chief of Logistics, Naval Headquarters while Rear Admiral Musa Madugu formally Deputy Director Special Operation Forces at the Defence Headquarters has been appointed as the Admiral Superintendent Naval Ordinance Depot.


Rear Admiral Daupreye Matthew, the erstwhile Director of Innovation and Concept Development, Naval Headquarters is now the Director of Training, Defence Headquarters while Rear Admiral Zakariya Muhammad, the former Director of Training, Naval Headquarters has been reappointed Chief of Training and Operations.


Rear Admiral Emmanuel Nmoyem has been reappointed Director Human Rights Desks at the Defence Headquarters while Rear Admiral Ibrahim Shettima formerly Flag Officer Commanding Central Naval Command moves to Defence Headquarters as Director of Plans.

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