
ECOWAS Liberian Post- Election Statement



ECOWAS Liberian Post- Election Statement

The ECOWAS Commission has warned against any attempt by the Liberian political stakeholders to declare ‘alleged’ premature victories in Tuesday’s general election.


In a statement signed by the commission’s president Omar Touray, ECOWAS said political parties and their leaders must adhere to their commitment under the revised Farmington River Declaration on peaceful electoral process which was endorsed by the ECOWAS Commission and the United Nations.


It says Liberia must not forget the West Africa’s invaluable role in the country’s conflict resolution and peace- building efforts, including the loss of lives of the ECOWAS community citizens as well as the role of the UN and international partners in post-conflict Liberia including the current electoral process.


In this regards, ECOWAS admonished all Liberian stakeholders to abide by the democratic tenets of a peaceful and credible electoral process as provided for by the Liberian constitution and other relevant laws, as well as ECOWAS legal instruments specifically the supplementary protocol on Democracy and Good governance.


It further cautioned all stakeholders including political leaders, the National Elections Commission (NEC) and security agencies, that they would be held accountable for any action that may lead to violence and instability.


The sub-regional body commended the people of Liberia for a peaceful voting process and called on them to exercise maximum restraint as they wait for official results from the NEC

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