
Mr Macaroni condemns Govt inaction following Nabeeha’s murder, calls for urgent action to protect citizens



Mr Macaroni condemns Govt inaction following Nabeeha's murder, calls for urgent action to protect citizens

Mr Macaroni speaks out against government inaction


In a somber turn of events, popular Nigerian comedian and activist, Mr Macaroni, took to social media to express his grief and frustration over the recent kidnapping and tragic murder of Nabeeha Al-Kadriyar in Abuja. The outspoken advocate did not mince words as he criticized the government’s response and called for immediate action to protect the lives of its citizens.


Nabeeha’s tragic fate: A nation mourns


Nabeeha Al-Kadriyar’s abduction, along with her father and four sisters, sent shockwaves across the nation when it was reported in the Bwari Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory. The kidnappers, demanding a ransom of ₦60 million, released her father, Mansoor, to gather the funds for the safe return of his daughters. However, the situation took a devastating turn with Nabeeha’s murder, leaving the nation in mourning.


Mr Macaroni’s heartfelt reaction: A call for accountability


Known for his activism and candid commentary on social issues, Mr Macaroni did not hesitate to express his sorrow and condemn the senseless killing. On the microblogging app, X, he lamented the loss of Nabeeha and questioned the government’s commitment to ensuring the safety of its citizens.


“It’s so sad to hear about the death of Nabeeha Al-Kadriyar. 6 sisters were kidnapped and 1 has been killed. What is the government doing to ensure that the remaining 5 are not killed? Common!!!! Where is the value for human lives in Nigeria???? How many more must die???” his initial tweet conveyed.


In a subsequent tweet, Mr Macaroni went further, holding the government accountable for the ongoing wave of kidnappings and violence plaguing the nation. He called for an end to the recurring tragedy and emphasized the importance of every Nigerian life.


“How many more Nigerians will be sacrificed on the altar of irresponsibility and recklessness? The life of every Nigerian matters. Irrespective of our tribe or religion. Every Nigerian Matters!!! The Government MUST rise up to the occasion and put an end to this barbarism,” he declared in a passionate plea for change.


A National outcry: Citizens demand protection


Nabeeha’s murder has ignited a nationwide outcry, with citizens expressing their anger and frustration over the deteriorating security situation in the country. Social media platforms have been flooded with demands for immediate government action to safeguard the lives of Nigerians. The tragic incident has become a focal point for discussions on the urgency of addressing the pervasive issue of insecurity.


### Government’s Response: Calls for Action


As the public outcry intensifies, pressure is mounting on the government to take decisive steps to address the security challenges facing the nation. The kidnapping and murder of Nabeeha Al-Kadriyar have exposed the vulnerability of citizens and underscored the need for a comprehensive and effective security strategy.


### A Plea for Change: Government Urged to Protect Its Citizens


Nigeria, grappling with a surge in kidnappings, violent attacks, and other criminal activities, is at a critical juncture. The tragic fate of Nabeeha has galvanized citizens, celebrities, and activists like Mr Macaroni to demand accountability and action from the government. The urgent need for improved security measures, efficient law enforcement, and a commitment to protecting the lives of every Nigerian has become an impassioned plea echoing across the nation.

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  1. Pingback: First Lady urges unified prayers for kidnapped Al-Kadriyar sisters - Network8tv News

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