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Sanwo-Olu collaborates with Niger State to enhance food supply in Lagos



Sanwo-Olu collaborates with Niger State to enhance food supply in Lagos

Sanwo-Olu collaborates with Niger State to enhance food supply in Lagos

Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State has announced a partnership with Niger State aimed at bolstering food production and supply in Lagos. The governor made this revelation during the 2024 Special Ramadan Prayer organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs at the State House Mosque complex, Lagos House, Ikeja. The theme of the event was “Allah Will Not Change The Way Of A People, Until They Change What Is In Their Hearts”.

Governor Sanwo-Olu highlighted that his recent visit to Minna, Niger State, alongside President Bola Tinubu, focused on addressing food security concerns. He disclosed that the memorandum of understanding signed with Niger State revolves around food production and the efficient transfer of agricultural produce to Lagos.

“Minna is heavily engaged in farming mechanization, and this agreement ensures that Lagos will benefit from enhanced food security,” Governor Sanwo-Olu stated. “We have the infrastructure in place, including storage facilities and the largest logistics hub in the country, to support this initiative.”

Reflecting on the significance of Ramadan, Governor Sanwo-Olu emphasized the importance of gratitude, particularly amidst prevailing economic challenges. He urged both Muslim and Christian faithful to demonstrate love, compassion, and solidarity with one another during this period.

“This is a time for generosity, empathy, and peaceful coexistence,” Governor Sanwo-Olu remarked. “Let us share from our abundance, feed the vulnerable, and foster unity within our communities. By doing so, we will emerge from this period stronger and more united.”

Commissioner for Home Affairs, Olanrewaju Layode, echoed the call for compassion and generosity, urging Muslims to prioritize caring for the less privileged as mandated by the Holy Quran. He emphasized the importance of fostering harmonious relationships and practicing charity and good neighborliness.

Delivering a lecture on “Observing Ramadan Like Never Before,” Guest Speaker Dr. Munirudeen Ar-Riyadi emphasized the spiritual significance of Ramadan and the need for a deeper understanding of its ethical principles. Dr. Ar-Riyadi underscored Ramadan as a period of spiritual growth, obedience, and submission to God.

“Ramadan is an opportunity for spiritual enlightenment and moral refinement,” Dr. Ar-Riyadi explained. “It instills virtues such as unity, humility, and good conduct while providing spiritual security and protection against evil deeds.”

Similarly, Grand Chief Imam of Lagos, Sheik Sulaiman Abou Nolla, urged citizens to uphold discipline, respect for the rule of law, and responsible citizenship.

NAN reports that the Special Ramadan Prayer event was attended by Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, Deputy Governor Dr. Obafemi Hamzat, Commissioner for Home Affairs Olanrewaju Layode, Special Adviser to the Governor on Muslim Matters, Ahmed Jebe, Head of Service Bode Agoro, and other Muslim faithful.

The collaboration between Lagos and Niger States signifies a strategic effort to enhance food security and promote sustainable agricultural development, reflecting a commitment to address critical socio-economic challenges and foster unity across communities.

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