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Army source disputes claim of Leah Shaibu second ‘’marriage’



Army source disputes claim of Leah Shaibu second ‘’marriage’

Amid reports that the lone Daphchi school girl Leah Sharibu who was abducted in Yobe in 2018 has been married off for a second time, a source in the Nigerian has told AIT that Leah does not have a husband

The source who did not want to be named said Leah was initially separated from the man who claimed to have married her.

He added that the second one she was purportedly married off to was killed in a battle field

Media reports on Wednesday claimed Leah, who has now spent five years in terrorists’ captivity, was ‘remarried’ to another Islamist terrorists’ commander,

Leah was one of the 110 female students of the Government Girls’ Science and Technical College, Dapchi, Yobe State, who were abducted on February 19, 2018, by the Boko Haram terrorists.

Although others were released, the terrorists who were identified as members of the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), held on to Leah

Her mother and campaign groups had made repeated entreaties to the Buhari administration to do whatever it takes to rescue the girl.

But until the expiration of the Buhari government, Leah remained in terrorists’ captivity

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